
Fred E avatar image
Fred E asked Fred E commented

Rack error


exception: FlexScript exception: MODEL:/VZ4>variables/sendtoport

can someone explain this error? It happens when an item is placed in the rack. Model works as it should but an error comes up.


Thank you for your answers.

FlexSim 21.2.4
rackmodelflexscript error
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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ commented ·

Hey @Fred E, it would help us a lot if you posted your model. Then we could delve a little deeper into the issue.

Just based on looks though, it may seem like you need to add a breathe somewhere in your Process Flow where there may be a token moving on before the activity was done with it (i.e., some wait for event or another activity).

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1 Answer

Tomasz MG avatar image
Tomasz MG answered Fred E commented


probably on the VZ4 object you have some kind of error in the send to port logic or you are sending the object using both the "A" connection and the process flow

But it's hard to say without a model.

Best Regards

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Fred E avatar image Fred E commented ·

Yes, it was a problem with racks. I just changed all racks with new ones and the problem was solved. There were no "A" connections. It was something else, maybe because I copied previous racks from another model.

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