
Esther J2 avatar image
Esther J2 asked Esther J2 commented

Displaying partitions with zero current content in Zone partition chart

I am creating a zone partition chart that shows the current zone content statistic. My zone can contain up to five different items, and creates partitions based on the item. I would like the zone partition chart to display statistics of all the partitions (items), including those partitions with 0 content. Currently the chart will only display those items for which a relevant token has entered the zone. Checking the "Show Zero Columns" option under "Settings" does not help.

I have tried to create a dummy token that enters and then leaves the zone for each item; however, that messes up the "Maximum" statistic which I may need to use as well. I have also tried to reset the statistic (using resetstats(); ) after the dummy tokens have entered. This allows all the partitions to be created in the zone, but the chart will not display the partitions with 0 items.

Is there any way of showing zero content partitions in a chart/table without requiring a dummy token to sit in the zone? Thanks!

FlexSim 21.2.4
zone partitionzero contentzone partition chart
· 2
5 |100000

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Empty partitions are shown in the chart as expected when I check the 'Show Zero Columns' options (after they are created by the first token of the given type entering).


Do your settings differ in any way from mine? Could you maybe post partition settings of your zone and an example screenshot of the zone status?


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Esther J2 avatar image Esther J2 Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Hi Felix, thanks for your reply! Yes, I agree that the empty partitions will be shown in the cart if they're created by a token. However, that token will increase the "maximum" statistic of the partition by 1. Let's say that in my simulation run, we have 0 count of item A and 10 count of item B entering the zone. The zone partition chart will only display item B, and not item A. However, I want the chart to display both item A and B, with a 0 count for item A.

I can have a dummy token A enter and leave the zone at the beginning of the simulation in order to create the partition, however, in my example above, the maximum of item A in this zone will equal 1 instead of 0. Is it possible to maintain the correct statistics for the simulation but still display item A at 0 count in the zone partition chart?

You can see the comparison between Loc1 and Loc2 below. Loc1 had dummy tokens enter and leave the zone, creating the partition, but then I reset the statistics. Loc2 had tokens of each item enter the zone during the simulation run. I know if tokens leave Loc2, the item will still show up in the chart.




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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Esther J2 commented

Thank you for your followup comment. I understand your issue now. Normally, when you use resetstats() all data gets wiped from statistics collectors. As the rows of the one responsible for feeding the partition chart are only added when tokens enter the zone, the data will again be missing until a token enters the respective partitions.

You can change this though. First, you have to install the chart components.


This will make the normally hidden statistics collector accessible in the toolbox.


Open it, navigate to the Row Options tab and change the On Warmup setting to Do nothing.


Now, when you use resetstats() after creating the partitions at the start of the model run, the row data will be kept and the chart should display the empty partitions.


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Esther J2 avatar image Esther J2 commented ·
This works perfectly. Thank you!
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