I'm trying to run replications of a scenario using the FlexSimPy's runToTime() method. However, I haven't found a way to run the scenario with different random streams. Therefore, all results are deterministic. Is there a way to run replications with FlexSimPy?
These are the Python commands I'm using:
import os import FlexSimPy as fp scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) programDir = scriptPath + "\\..\\..\\..\\..\\program\\" # Launch FlexSim controller = fp.launch(evaluationLicense=True, showGUI=False, programDir=programDir) # Open model controller.open(scriptPath + "\\MeuModelo.fsm") # Set parameter controller.setParameter("NumOperators", 1) # Reset and run controller.reset() controller.runToTime(1440) # Get performance measure print(controller.getPerformanceMeasure("Output"))