
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Lambert commented

Different animations depending on person type?


IT seems that the animations are different when marking an person as "Male Person/Staff" or "Male Operator".

For example, the "Male Operator" has "FillingCabinet" animation in the dropdown, but "Male Person/Staff" doesn't.

How can I have a "Male Person/Staff" perform the "FillingCabinet" animation?

Thank you

FlexSim 22.2.2
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Lambert commented

Hey @Lambert, different Shapes have different animations associated with them. Even if two different shapes have the same animation name, those animations may be different because of the sizes and textures of the shapes. Here's an example with a Male Operator and a Male Person/Staff both doing the "FaxMachine" animation.


Here's a possible workaround if you still want the "FillingCabinet" animation on the Male Person/Staff.

Select the Operator that you'd like to add the animation to. In the Properties panel on the right, under Visuals, click the "More Visuals" button. A window should popup. In the "Visuals/Animations" section, click the "Edit" button.


This should open up the Animation Editor view. You can follow the steps in the docs to then create an animation, but here's a condensed version.

Click the green + next to "Animation" to add a new animation. Then click the "Bone Animations" button near "Keyframes", then Edit Animation Clips. (Notice it will say Animation34 when you add a new animation. You can click on that name and rename it right there; I renamed mine to FilingCabinet).


You should have another popup here. Click the green + next to Animation and then navigate to the place where the filing_cabinet animation is held. In our case, it should be C:\Program Files\FlexSim 2022 Update 2\fs3d\Operator\Animations\Utilize\using_a_filing_cabinet.fbx. Once you select the file, you can click the Play button next to the range of numbers to watch the animation. In mine, the fingers are messed up. I don't think this animation was designed for this shape, but if you don't mind it then that's okay.


Hit Apply and close the window. Back in the Animation Editor window, click the Bone Animations button again and hit "Add Animation Clip". Stretch the clip out for as long as the animation is (about 10.5 seconds). Click on one of the nodes at the end of the clip (it should turn red).


On the right, you will see the Properties panel change. Under Animation, choose the animation you just added. The Clip section should autofill. (It may be Clip1 if you didn't rename it). You can also change other settings about it.


Save your Base Positions and then you can apply this option to the guy back in your 3D model.


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