I am trying to model picking an stowing at a warehouse with 600-800K inventory units. Each inventory unit need not be tracked and hence I would like to model pickers going to random slots along their pick path and use delays to simulate picking action. With some help from this forum, I am able to model operator going to pick a specific item in the rack. Now I am trying to do the same without modeling items in the rack. I will maintain stat on total inventory and storage cube in labels or variables.
My initial idea has been picking the required number of random slots in the racks, ordering them by AisleID, bayID and slotID. Then using travel to location activity to make operator go to these slots one after the other before heading to drop location.
Is there a better way to model this scenario?
@Felix Möhlmann @Jason Lightfoot
Model with picking items explicitly - Rack_test2.fsm
Model going to random slot location - Rack_test4.fsm