
SerenaCR avatar image
SerenaCR asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Help Process Flow pull logic

Producto_Terminado - COPIA1.fsm

Hi, I'm having problems with load logic, the idea is that with the second process (see image below) our transporter (AE) moves only one flow item at a time, placing each one of them at the destination rack defined by the custom code logic.

We have a scheduled pull program for our warehouse, that's why we selected the scheduled source activity, we need to store 3 batches of 24 items each.


Any suggestion is welcomed.

Thank you.

FlexSim 22.2.4
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The items are being partitioned by their bay when pushed to the list, but you don't specify which partition you want to pull from.

If you want to have access to all values on the list when pulling then they can't be partitioned. You could use an expression field that stores the bayID instead, if that value is important to have.

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