
Mika_J. avatar image
Mika_J. asked Jeanette F commented

Fluid model simulation with two sources and a recirculation flow

I want to simulate a fluid process with two sources and a recirculation flow, because the process always has a minor stream of bigger particles that are filtered and rerouted back to the active source.

It's a struggle for me to make those two things work in the simulation.

I attempted to make the two sources alternat eachother every 288 minutes with the two following methods suggested on this forum page ''How to set time windows for different sources? - FlexSim Community''. Unfortionately both options won't work in my simulation.

As mentioned earlier I also don't succeed in making the recirculation flow work to go to the active resource at that particular moment.

Could someone help me with the following hiccups that I have? Your help will be much appreciated.

This is the model that I have at the moment. FLXSM L3PFS.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.1
fluidschedule sourcesimulation questionsrecirculation
flxsm-l3pfs.fsm (60.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @Mika_J.,

I am not sure what you are doing with your original process flow. I deactivated the sources in it but left that process flow for your reference. I created the following block of activities to manage opening and closing ports for the tanks



The token that is created has a Tank label that is an array of the two tanks. The other two labels are the Index for which tank is opening and closing. The Tank and Index labels are used together in the open/close ports activity. The Index labels are swapped and then the token waits the 288 minutes before it cycles.

I changed the return pipe to use first available flow.

I added in tanks that the fluid generators and the return pipe connect to. The return pipe could not feed into the generators. I also changed that the pipe came out of the tanks to be a normal pipe instead of a blender.



With you having a returning pipe there is a Fluid Loop. This causes some text to be printed in the System Console. From taking with our development team this is written to the System Console because the behavior is somewhat undefined and unpredictable with loops.

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flxsm-l3pfs-1.fsm (62.1 KiB)
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