
Jun J2 avatar image
Jun J2 asked Jun J2 commented

Staff utilization by hour doesn't match time table

I have add the staff to the time table below.


However, the hourly staff utilization shows 100% during the offschedule time.


Could you provide any insight on this? Thanks!

FlexSim 22.2.4
time tableoffschedulestaff houlry utiliztion
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·
Can you attach your model? There's not enough information in your screenshots.
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Jun J2 avatar image Jun J2 commented ·
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Jun J2 avatar image Jun J2 commented ·

I just attached my model for your review. Operating time is 7:00am-4:00pm.

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Jun J2 commented

With default settings the OffSchedule time does not make staff stop what they're currently doing and go off schedule. Instead it will let staff finish what they're currently doing and then make them go off schedule when they're done.

You can see this on the first day with Ma_1. Ma_1 is acquired and starts the Marry process at 2:45, the process takes 165 minutes and so he isn't done until 5:30. The OffSchedule time starts at 4:00, but he still works 90 minutes finishing his current task.

If you want them to stop what they're doing you need to either increase the priority of OffSchedule to 200 or greater or lower the priority of the other tasks to 99 or less.

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Jun J2 avatar image Jun J2 commented ·

Thanks! This is really helpful!

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Jun J2 avatar image Jun J2 commented ·

@Matthew Gillespie

I have updated model since some process needed to have two staff complete the work simultaneously. I found that the staff utilization doesn't look right. The staff have been utilized all the time without following the schedule defined in time table. MD_20230105_v3.fsm

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Jun J2 commented ·

@Jun J2

If you're using more than one staff and you want them all to be preemptable during a Process activity you need to list out all the staff involved in the process. By default it's just listing the one staff that the activity set comes with. You need to open the properties of each Process activity and make sure both staff are listed as involved resources.

So either:

1. Add a new Preemptable Resource and point it at the second staff



2. Change the Object field of the current Preemptable Resource to be token.Staff (since you're acquiring staff onto that label and so it lists both staff members)


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Jun J2 avatar image Jun J2 commented ·

That's really helpful! Thanks for your help!

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