
Bob G avatar image
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Bob G asked Bob G commented

Importing DWG files in 2023

I am unable to use models with imported DWG files in version 2023.0.0. There were no issues in 2022.2.3. When I try to open these models in 2023, the model fails to open, or I am unable to select a 3D object in the model view.

Has anyone else seen this problem? I did not find anything in the 2023.0.0 or 2023.0.1 release notes.


FlexSim 23.0.0
importing dwg
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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

Another issue about 2023's importing dwg file...

It's FlexSim automatic exiting after importing autocad dwg file and UNCHECKing 'No Select'.

FlexSim application exits self-automatically.

Something is wrong in FlexSim 2023's dwg file importing.

Please check it.

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Bob G commented

I've confirmed this using the supplied drawing 'ER_small.dwg' and will send in a report.

Thank you for posting the problem.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·
@Bob G This bug has been fixed for 23.0.2 which will be released later this week.
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Bob G avatar image Bob G Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

That's good!. Thank you for the update.

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