
zijia avatar image
zijia asked Andrew O commented

FlexSim 2023 Available

FlexSim 2023.0.0

Process Flow

  • Added labels defined on instance objects to autocomplete and instanced labels pickoptions.
  • Removed logic that, when a new activity was added, would look at the last added activity and automatically create connections or create labels.

This is the update in FlexSim 2023.0.0. I don't understand what it is meaning in FlexSim. Does it have any example?

FlexSim 23.0.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

"Added labels defined on instance objects to autocomplete and instanced labels pickoptions."

In Object Process Flows, you can now access the instance object's labels in certain pick options and value fields through the menu.



"ObjectLabel" is defined on Processor1, which is an instance object of the Process Flow. The label is now accessible, for example, in the "Assign Labels" activity.

"Removed logic that, when a new activity was added, would look at the last added activity and automatically create connections or create labels."

Previously, when you added a Zone activity and afterwards an Enter Zone or Exit Zone activity, these would automatically connect to the Zone you added before.

The Zone is just one example. This worked for the other types of shared assets (Lists, Resources, Variables) and their respective activities as well.


This is now no longer the case. (Possibly to avoid oversights/wrong connections when placing such activities.)

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