I encountered a confusing problem. Suppose I do not open the main workspace of Flexsim and let the model run underground automatedly. In that case, the model's event list will become wired, which means it only contains the Inter-Arrival Source events and all tokens get stuck in the Inter-Arrival Source Activity. And the tokens become more and more but they are not sent to the next activity. And other process flows do not create proper tokens either. The model throws this exception: "time: 1.000000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist()."or "time: 2.000000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist()."
But If I open the workspace and watch the model running, it will be ok and run well. And the same exception is thrown but the model is not influenced. And I noticed that the exception time will become 0.00 such as"time: 0.000000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist()." So what's the difference between running background and running visibly?
The reason why I ask this question is that if I change the visible parameters in the reinforcement learning code the learning process will not continue well. It will get stuck in this procedure.
In this way, training my reinforcement learning model only can be proceeded in a visible environment, which makes it very slow.
I guess the reason may be the 3D and animation parts. So I removed those activities that contain "change 3D shapes activity" but it did not work.
And the model is based on the KIVA system model provided by Flexsim's Youtube channel.