I am actually lost and stuck to do this Simulation.
I want that my AGVs have different flows depends on the Processor.
My AGV should have a simple Flow in the Green Processors : move from Queue after loading a aproduct to Processor , wait and the move to the next one , wait and so on (every Processor has a waiting Time)
My flow will change in the kind of Processors : M going to Start with Parallel Processors , every group of Parallel Processor does the same function , which means that my AGV needs only to pass by one processor in each group it all depends of the Availability of the Processor when AGV1 moves to Processor 20 and wait to move to next step, AGV 2 moves to Processor 21 cuz Processor 20 isnt available : in My Simulation i have 4 groups of parallel Stations .
My Flow will also Change in Processors that works on many products at the same time ( the Purple Processors) : Processor 26 works on 26 Product , Processor 27 on 30 Products and 30 on 6 Products
When My AGV arrives to one of these he unloads the unfinished product and loads the finish one (if exists) if not he will move empty to the second purple Processor and load a finished Product ( if exists) if not my AGV moves to the third one and loads a finished Product (if exists ) if not he will travel empty to the Queue and load a new Product and starts the Process with a new Product.
The main goal of this Project is to know how many AGVs do i need to get at least 200 Products in one Hour.
If someone can help me please i will be so thankful... its been more than 3 Mounths that m trying to finish it
Design with different Flows.fsm