
Jyhjeng D2 avatar image
Jyhjeng D2 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

The red tote goes to operator first before he fetch it.


I run a primer book program and notice that the red tote goes to the operator before he fetches it. Usually, the red tote should stay in the queue until the operator fetches it. What happens? How to fix it?

The slow motion video is shown in

The flexsim program is attached. Primer_2-3.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.1
red tote moves to the operator first
primer-2-3.fsm (450.3 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Jyhjeng D2 , please check If you are having a correct start or reset location of your operator. Currently he starts a few meters above your network path system. You can highlight him and reset the position in right mouse button menu to a location an the ground. operator-reset-position.jpg

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Jyhjeng D2 avatar image Jyhjeng D2 Joerg Vogel commented ·

Thank you for pointing out the mistake of the position of operator. It has been corrected. The correct file is attached,Primer_2-3B.fsm

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primer-2-3b.fsm (463.4 KiB)
Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Jyhjeng D2 commented ·
Delete the operator's reset trigger and set the reset position using the right click menu (while the operator is on the ground).
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jyhjeng D2 commented

Option operator travel offset for load and unload is deactivated.

A loadtask is executed before or instead of a travel task.

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Jyhjeng D2 avatar image Jyhjeng D2 commented ·

Yes, when I switch in the travel tab the option to "Travel offsets for load/unload tasks," the problem disappears.

Then in the operator, what is the significant difference between

"Travel offsets for load/unload tasks" and "Do not travel offsets for load/unload tasks"?

A second thought, what does "travel offsets" mean?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Jyhjeng D2 commented ·

Currently offset travel is any travel not part of a travel task.

Originally I think it was the final stage of a journey which had the task executer approach and collect/deliver the item, or travel to a specific coordinate. The technique would be different for different TEs (do they need to rotate, lift forks etc.) and so the offset travel was defined in the TE's behavior. When you create a custom TE to handle load/unload tasks or TravelToLoc tasks, you are defining the offset travel. So it used to be that we could say offset travel was travel without a navigator - however some navigators now control the offset travel part too, so this definition is no longer correct.

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Jyhjeng D2 avatar image Jyhjeng D2 Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you for your answer.
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