
Henry Paipa avatar image
Henry Paipa asked Jordan Johnson commented

I can't access to "Dashboard statistics" from the exercise of using Experimenter


I have an example model, I have designed two statistical graphs in Dashboard, later, I create a parameter and an indicator, to be able to use Experimenter, when creating and running the experiment, everything works perfectly, the problem arises, when using the "Dashboard Statistics" tab in the "Experimenter" window to view the statistical graphs in the different scenarios, because it generates errors and does not show the graphs. I attach the model. Thank you.error-2.png


experimenter-error.gifError Experimenter.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.4
experimenterdashboard scenariodashboard statistics
error-2.png (145.1 KiB)
error1.png (87.3 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·
I have the same problem in a model that worked previously. Seems to be an issue that got introduced in the 23.0.4 update.
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

@Felix Möhlmann is correct, this is a bug introduced in 23.0.4. We are working to fix it.

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Sara Bonansea avatar image Sara Bonansea commented ·

Hi @Jordan Johnson. I have noticed that this bug has been fixed for FlexSim version 23.0.5, but for example in FlexSim version 22.0.15 it is still present.

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Clair A avatar image Clair A Sara Bonansea commented ·
I've tried with one of my models. Like @Sara Bonansea, I notice that the issue is fixed in 23.0.6 released on 2023-03-31 but not in 22.0.15 released the same day.
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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Sara Bonansea commented ·
@Clair A @Sara Bonansea yes, this is a mistake. The issue was only fixed on the 23.0 version and not on the 22.0 version. We are working to get this resolved.
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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Jordan Johnson ♦♦ commented ·
This should be resolved in 22.0.16.
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Henry Paipa avatar image Henry Paipa commented ·
Thanks for your reply.
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