
Luis Fernando avatar image
Luis Fernando asked Luis Fernando commented

How to set a variety of process times by global table

Hi FlexSim team,

How can I set all the process times in just one processor but looking a global.
The process consist in all the steps (step 1.1 + step 1.2 + Step 1.3, ...) in just one Processor to perform one piece.


Here is the model attached:

Process Times in One Processor.fsm

Thank you

FlexSim 22.2.3
processortimeprocess timesglobal table process time
5 |100000

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Carlos Reyes avatar image
Carlos Reyes answered Luis Fernando commented

Hi Luis, you can try using a MultiProcessor instead of using a regular Porcessor, the MultiProcessor allows you to create as many process as you need with a specific cycle time for each process.

For example:

If you select a MultiProcessor, in the Properties window you will see that by default it says "Process1", but you can add more processes if you clic on the green cross symbol and you can even change the process name intead of being "Process1" to whatever name you like to


Here is the MultiProcessor with your example (as you can see, now it has 7 processes):


Finally, to read the cycle time for each process using a Global Table, you can clic on the black arrow next to the "Process Time" parameter and select the "By Global Table Lookup" option, then in the pup up window select the name of your Global Table, the row and the column you want to read from that Global Table.


Do this with all your process steps and you are done,


Model: Duda Luis 070323.fsm

1678211248590.png (6.0 KiB)
1678211389636.png (17.6 KiB)
1678211675335.png (6.2 KiB)
1678211856504.png (96.5 KiB)
· 1
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Luis Fernando avatar image Luis Fernando commented ·
Thank you Carlos and Jacob. This is exactly what I was looking for.



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Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered

Hi @Luis Fernando,

Are you attempting to have the total processing time be the sum of all of all of the values in your global table? For example, with the values you've provided in your question it would be processing for 270 seconds?

If this is the case and the values given are going to be constant it would be easiest to just input the sum of the values as the processing time, or have a table cell that is the sum of the values within the table.

If the values will not be constant, you can write a custom code block in the process time of the processor that will loop through the table and add the values together before returning the total value. I have included a picture of the code that I used as well as the model that implemented this method.


Sum of processing Times_JW.fsm

5 |100000

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