RSI_Dual_Crane_Test.fsmI have a basic question regarding using crane collision avoidance using cranes. I have two overhead bridge cranes on a common set of rails (200 ft x 80 ft x 40 feet high). I have been able to represent the cranes using 2 cranes in 3D object modelling but the cranes cross over each other. I have reviewed the old examples in cranecollisionavoidance.fsm from 2017 - I am able to run this sample model and see that there is a crane collision detect event that moves the "other crane" out of the way. However, I am unclear how to incorporate this code into my model. I am looking for as simple a mechanism to keep the cranes from crossing over each other in the mode. I have attached my basic model with 2 cranes but no collion detection / avoidance.