
Stephen avatar image
Stephen asked Jeanette F commented

Manpower Prioritization


I'm relatively new to FlexSim.

The model I'm working has a pool of 10 operators. 5 are highly skilled and can perform any process, while 5 are "in training".

Some processes require 1 experienced operator and 1 "in training" while some of the more simple processes can be done by 1"in training associate."

Are there any resources your could point me to that show how to set the prioritization so that the manpower is best utilized?

I currently have all 10 operators setup through 1 dispatcher that is tied to each processor.

FlexSim 23.0.4
dispatchersoperator tasksdispatching rulesdispatch rules
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Here's a tutorial on coordinated tasks using a process flow.

You can also use the processor's option to use multiple teams where you could connect the trainees to a different dispatcher and then use two dispatchers on the centerports of the processor.


I'd prefer you use two labels pointing to the dispatchers:


and then refer to those in the mutliple team interface:


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5 |100000

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