
Jerry avatar image
Jerry asked Jerry commented

overtake the stafF


I made a post because I had a question.

I found similar questions, but I couldn't apply them to my model.


For a really simple example model,
The staff in the front is slower than the staff in the back.

I'd like to have the staff at the back overtake the staff at the front.
Using Patient Flow.


Thank you for your help.



FlexSim 23.1.1
flexsim hcovertake
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Jerry commented

If you don't want the travellers to completely ignore each other you can try to use the dynamic barrier system Anthony Johnson demonstrated in a Kiva model some time ago.

Whenever a travellers becomes blocked, stop and resume them so they recalculate the path and set all other travellers as dynamic barriers so they try to route around them.

If you use an Object Process Flow to trigger the path recalculation you can get reference to the other travellers by looking at the connected instance objects, so you can set as dynamic barriers. (Make sure to exclude the blocked traveller itself)


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