
james avatar image
james asked james commented

how to let my bag source's and customer source's type be the same? pls help me!!

有什麼方法可以讓bag source的type和customer source的type可以配對到?(像最下面的圖一個的type是1另一個是7)



FlexSim 20.1.3
process flowsourcetype
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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered james commented

Hi @james ,


Due to the nature of FlexSim's random stream, two sources with the same distribution of type labels will still yield different results. However, there are still a couple of ways to accomplish what you want.

By using process flow, we can use tokens to create objects that have the same label. In example 1, the source1 in the 3D model is making flow items and assigning their type duniform(1,20,getstream(current))
The process flow then creates new flow items in queue2 that have the same label as the items created by Source1.



Example 2 starts by making tokens in the process flow and assigning their type (same distribution as above) and then splits the tokens and has two create object activities. This lets us make different objects that have the same Type label because we already assigned them.


If you want to perform everything in the 3D model, look at example 3 and 4 in the attached model. You can create a flow item from a source and use a separator with the split method. This allows us to create identical objects with the same Type label.


In example 4 I also used a trigger on entry in the queue to change the 3D object to be a man. Notice how the man and the box flow items have the same Type.


Hopefully this helps!

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