
mikelmb avatar image
mikelmb asked Julie Weller commented

slot assignment first by "matching labels" then by "random bay, level and slot"

Hi, we are trying to program the slot assignment strategy making it "matching labels" in case that item.type has an assigned slot, or making it random in case it doesn't but maintaining the assigned slots only for the matching labels. Is there any way to combine this two assignment strategies?

I mean how can i refer to the slots that are assigned with a item.type?


FlexSim 22.1.4
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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered Julie Weller commented

Hi @mikelmb! What I did was create a queue and a rack and I just used the paint slot labels tool to decide which parts I wanted the item.Type to go to (I left the other sections for items without a type empty) and then changed the slot assignment strategy to be matching labels on the rack object.


I attached the model for your reference.

Does that answer your questions?

Slot Assignment Question.fsm

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