
lllppp avatar image
lllppp asked lllppp commented

patient seat

if i want to seat a patient in the staging area,how can i see it up?i would appreciate an answer

FlexSim 21.2.4
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Natalie White avatar image Natalie White commented ·

Hi @lllppp,

To seat a patient in a waiting area, such as Chairs (under Multilocations), use a Patient Flow. The "Walk" activity will automatically seat a patient in the chairs when the chairs are the destination.

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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered lllppp commented

Hi @lllppp! It's hard to know without looking at your model and/or getting more info from you but you can use a seating area under People -> Multi-Location or in People -> Location. Both have seating options that you can drag into your model and then use.



If you want more information, see the Healthcare tutorial at this link:

It has really helpful information to set it up!

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lllppp avatar image lllppp commented ·

I made it myself.Thanks for your attention.

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lllppp avatar image lllppp commented ·
I know where the chairs are, but I don't know how to connect the chairs to the people in the temporary area. I read the help manual but didn't make much sense of it (a newbie). I'm trying to simulate a patient arriving at the staging area, waiting in a chair, and then going downstream.
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