
Sia Sengchoon193 avatar image
Sia Sengchoon193 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Why does the dashboard linked with process flow not respond?

Why does the dashboard linked with process flow not respond?

I used process flow to track the two events and placed milestones to mark the time. I then used the milestone charts in the dashboard.


But why my milestone charts cannot be displayed?


I'm not sure which step is going wrong?

18 單asrs,單出口(全完整),有指標(不完整).fsm

FlexSim 23.1.0
process flowdashboardsasrs vehiclestats collectormilestone collector
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You never match any items entering the output because the token labels are set to NULL and you're asking to match the item. The reason this happens is because you detect the receipt of the task sequence as soon as it's created, at which point it has no load tasks for your findmatch function to locate and inspect for the item pointer.

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