
Carmen F avatar image
Carmen F asked Carmen F commented

How to release resources in a pull production system?

I want to model a pull production system but I don get how release resources properly after pushing tokens to a list. I have attached a model with two example of how I need to release resources (machines):

- example 1: release a resource after "pull from list" activity

- example 2: reselase a resource after pull and after a "create token" activity

Thanks in advance for any help.


FlexSim 23.0.0
release resourceprocess flow listspulled token
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Carmen F commented

Tahnks for uploading the model. Now I see what you mean. The Release activity is indeed a little weird when it comes to releasing resources assigned to a different token. You have to refer to the label node rather than the value.


  1. // Returns the value
  2. token.labelName;
  4. // Returns the node
  5. token.labels["labelName"];
  7. // Returns the value (of the node) - must use when label name has spaces
  8. token.labels["labelName"].value;

In the second case, after the Create Token activity, because the child token can access the labels of its parent, you can use the same expression. Even if the child can not normally access the parent's labels, you can still read by shifting the reference to the parent first.

  1. token.parent.pulled.labels["resource"]

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Carmen F avatar image Carmen F commented ·

Thank you so much for the clear answer.

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