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How to get license or student license of FlexSim software?

Hello, @Jason Lightfoot @Jordan Johnson @Ben Wilson

I am Shaghayegh Jafari ([email protected]), a master's student of the Architecture, healthcare branch, from Iran University of Science and Technology ( For my thesis, I want to simulate a real project with FlexSim software. Due to the current economic conditions of my country (Iran) and the high inflation and devaluation of the currency and its embargo, I cannot buy its license. Last week, I emailed Flexim and provided my details and complete explanations and applied for a student license, but I have not received a response yet. Because I want to defend my thesis sooner, I need to install this software faster and simulate the emergency department. Please help me and guide me to get the license. I am counting the minutes for your answer.

FlexSim 22.2.0
flexsim healthcareflexsim ans flexsim webserverflexsim2022
5 |100000

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