
Martin K5 avatar image
Martin K5 asked Julie Weller commented

Is it possible to establish two RL agents?


I would like to ask if it is possible to establish two reinforcement agents in FlexSim model? Let's say that I have two resources (forklifts) each working at the same warehouse (loading/unloading packages) and have specific contraints. From my point of view it would be better to have two RL agents one for each forklift.

Has anyone tried this?

Thank you,


FlexSim 22.2.0
reinforcement learningresourcesagents
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @Martin K5,

I consulted Jordan Johnson. You can create a single AI that "drives" two objects. So the AI will observe for both forklifts and then issue actions for both forklifts. This does not scale well though. If you wanted to do this for more than 10 objects it wouldn't run well.

Joerg is correct. You cannot train two AI's at a time. There is a way to make something work with Python but that is beyond our expertise.

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