
JHU avatar image
JHU asked Rushil commented

How to add colors to racks by level and by bay

Hi all FlexSim experts,

I am working on a storage location assignment model based on the ABC classification. I want to show the storage locations for class A items (red), class B items (blue), or class C (green) items through different colors. For example, item X is Class A item, then its storage location is colored in red. The storage locations are by rack, by level and by bay. What could I add the color of racks by its level and bay?

Could anyone please kindly help me with this? I have attached my model below for your reference. Any helps or answers would be appreciated. Thank you in advanced!


Best regards,


FlexSim 23.1.0
color changestorage slotabc storage
0724.fsm (241.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
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Julie Weller answered Rushil commented

Do you want it to stay colored or just for a bit to organize? You can paint the racks using the paint slot labels tool:


If you match the paint label to the box labels it will automatically organize. Is that what you're looking for?

1690216855794.png (12.7 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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JHU avatar image JHU commented ·
@Julie Weller Hi Julie yes, it is what I am looking for. thank you so much. I'll try it out and let you know if I have questions. thank you!
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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller JHU commented ·
Okay sounds good!
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Rushil avatar image Rushil Julie Weller commented ·

I have colored the rack slots and defined them some name but it does not have any connection with the flow of the process.
But I cannot save the file with below error

Flexscript Error MODEL:/Rack1>variables/slotAssignment Line 21 syntax error

Could not finish parsing because of previous errors.

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