
ged0313 avatar image
ged0313 asked Julie Weller commented

Task Sequence: Process Flow with Query in Zone


I've got some problem when trying to build the function that is to assign tasks that is in the same group to an AGV. Since there are only two AGVs in my model, and I don't want several AGVs to deal with the task in the same lane at the same time.

So I add a list that contain all my TEs and use the random pull activity. Since I have three lanes here, and I want it to know the available TE. So I share the list in the process flow with the three lane.

And I add a zone to restrict token to enter. In the zone property I set the query as

WHERE token.item1.agv=token.TE

That I want it to allow only one agv to enter the zone a time. And I want the TE I grab is the same as the one that is assigned to the material list. But as I done the setting I mentioned, the model stucks. And it doesn't even have an error message. And I also cannot press the run model button. I suppose there is some wrong use for the function here. So I am wondering how can I fix this problem or how can I acheive the setting. Thank you so much for any of your help!

My model: zone problem_3.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.9
zone-problem-3.fsm (103.2 KiB)
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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller commented ·

Hi @ged0313, was that answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered Julie Weller commented

Hey @ged0313! I think you want to use the subset aspect of zones not the queue strategy. They do very different things but the subsets will allow you to constrain the zone, something like this:



However your model throws a lot of unrelated errors that need to be fixed...

Try implementing that and fixing those errors and I can help with any follow up questions!

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1691591559364.png (34.7 KiB)
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5 |100000

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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller commented ·
Another (perhaps easier) option would be to push and pull objects from lists based on the partition ID of the TE
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ged0313 avatar image ged0313 commented ·

Thank you for your advice! I modify my model according to your advice. But still, there appears to be the same way of distributing agvs.

1. Several agvs implement tasks in the same lane

2. One agv receive task from several lane the same time.

What I thought originally is that I use list to pull can provide a limited options of TE for the flow. That is, if there's no thing in the list it will not allow another token of agv to enter the zone since there is no token.TE be pulled out . But this setting does not work well. I'm wondering if there's anything that I go wron with. The attachment is my file. Thank you so much!

my model: 0810 test.fsm

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0810-test.fsm (98.9 KiB)
Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller ged0313 commented ·
Hey @ged0313! We're happy to look at it but you need to fix your exceptions first. Until you do that we really can't help you, unless the exceptions are your problem.
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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller Julie Weller commented ·

I've looked at your model more and just some pointers your process flow for the AGV's should be a lot different. You shouldn't be using an object process flow when you're also pulling the TE's from a list and the Split activity is going to triple the amount of tokens every time (which I'm sure is not what you intended), there's a lot of duplication on the Process flow. To get started here is a question that asks a similar thing:

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