
Moisés Cálderon avatar image
Moisés Cálderon asked Julie Weller commented

Observation on the Variables defined in flexsim?

Hello Good evening community

I have a doubt, I have created a system of variables giving a logic that Queve4 + Separator1 have a maximum capacity of 8 trays, but I have integrated the graph and it informs me that there is an entry of 10 trays at 8:00 am (what could be happening or which of my variables is altered).


base-del-modelo-mejorado-33-6-new FINAL.1.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.10
global variable
· 1
5 |100000

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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller commented ·

Hi @Moisés Cálderon, was that answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered Julie Weller commented

Hi @Moisés Cálderon! The issue seems to be with the Queue 4 block in process flow, essentially it's not taking into account the items on the separator. If you change the code so it looks like this:


And make the bottom and right source to be like this:



It fixes the issue, though you might need to tweak it more. Here's the model:


· 6
5 |100000

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Moisés Cálderon avatar image Moisés Cálderon commented ·

Hi Julie

I have run the system but the system stops at startup, here I send you the pictures (what is the reason)

QUEUE4 + Separator must have a total capacity of 8 trays (for example if the separator machine has one tray the Queue 4 must have 7 trays, on the other hand if the separator machine has no tray the Queue4 must have 8 trays and this must have a loop; ie if it is finished it must request the station 2 to produce to complete the capacity of 8 trays).

Please check it, what could be wrong.

Thanks 1692133755890.png

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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller Moisés Cálderon commented ·

Hi @Moisés Cálderon! It stops because I added some stop times in the model to check a specific time and didn't delete it after. You can uncheck it here:


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Moisés Cálderon avatar image Moisés Cálderon Julie Weller commented ·

Hello Julie

The system must comply with a pull system logic, that is to say, even if there are no customers, it must always fill the total capacity of 8 trays and when it is full it stops working but if station 2 is running out it is replaced until its capacity is complete (generating a loop).

* please note the detail below

QUEUE4 + Separator must have a total capacity of 8 trays (for example, if the separator machine has a tray, Queue 4 must have 7 trays, on the other hand, if the separator machine does not have a tray, Queue4 must have 8 trays and this must have a loop , that is, if it is finished, it must request station 2 to produce to complete the capacity of 8 trays).

Please review it, what could be wrong?

(Hola julie

El sistema debe cumplir con una lógica pull system, es decir aunque no haya clientes siempre debe completar la capacidad total de 8 bandejas y cuando se completa deja de funcionar pero si se está agotando la estación 2 se va reponiendo hasta completa su capacidad (generando un bucle).

* por favor tenga en cuenta el detalle a continuación

QUEUE4 + Separador debe tener una capacidad total de 8 bandejas (por ejemplo si la máquina separadora tiene una bandeja la Queue 4 debe tener 7 bandejas, en cambio si la máquina separadora no tiene bandeja la Queue4 debe tener 8 bandejas y esta debe tener un bucle, es decir, si está terminado debe solicitar a la estación 2 que produzca para completar la capacidad de 8 bandejas).

Por favor, revíselo, ¿qué podría estar mal?)



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Moisés Cálderon avatar image Moisés Cálderon commented ·

Hi Julie

The system is not working, I have already exchanged with the source in the Station2 and Queue4 (activating and deactivating) is not what I want. I'll explain a little bit the system should work by replenishing while the trays are leaving until its capacity is full (if it is full there should be nothing in the machine of Station2).

Under the above mentioned Queue4 + Separator1 should add up to 8 trays.

and this must not exceed and must be fulfilled in the graph (because otherwise it is not fulfilling the algorithms).

I perceive that we are missing some restrictions to the system but I don't know how to put it. Can you help me on it.

In the image I send you an explanation


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Julie Weller avatar image Julie Weller Moisés Cálderon commented ·

base-del-modelo-mejorado-33-6-new-final1 (1)_1.fsm

I think I figured out the issue. The total number of objects was being counted based on the items in the queue and separator but individually on the separator, not as 1 tote. Check out the model now.

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