
simonjohannsmann avatar image
simonjohannsmann asked Carter Walch commented

TimeTable row below sunday causes bug ?!


I'am using version 22.2.4 and cannot exclude if this problem is solved yet. When using TimeTabels in the "WeeklyRepeat" Mode, there is the opportunity to pull an entry in the line below Sunday. While the description shows as End time Monday, what makes sense for me, the behavior is buggy. After a simulation runtime of 3 weeks, i got an offset that is as big as the time in that extra line below sunday. I attached a dummy model and a picture. It would be great if someone is able to reproduce or explain the mistake or give me a hint what I'am doing wrong.


I know how to solve the problem - don´t use the line below sunday for monday morning but do an extra entry in the Monday line. Thanks for your help!


FlexSim 22.2.4
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

The GUI you see is just an editor for the table underneath which looks like this:


The weekly repeat option is just repeating that table - and the last entry needs to finish at or before 604800 (1 week). The 'mistake', if any, is assuming FlexSim knows how to interpret the blank line under Sunday as another Monday - since it's not labelled as such.

Instead of a weekly repeat like this you can use the calendar/ date-based timetable and define the frequency of repeating events.

1692008560534.png (11.5 KiB)
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