
RicardoMtz avatar image
RicardoMtz asked Natalie White commented

Connection of several operators for each processor

I have 5 operators and 5 processors but I can't get each operator to go to only one respective machine after picking up a box in a Queue, could you help me?1692202491855.png

FlexSim 23.1.3
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Natalie White avatar image Natalie White commented ·

Instead of using a dispatcher, you could attach each operator to their respective processor

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Diego Avila avatar image
Diego Avila answered

Hi @RicardoMtz ,

Another alternative is using a Label when product is created, then using an Center Port by Case to assign an operator for each machine.

Operator per machine.fsm

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Julio R avatar image
Julio R answered

Hello @RicardoMtz ,

As @Natalie White said in the previous answer, you should connect the operator without a dispatcher, but since you want to use it for transport, you should connect them individually to the origin queue (Queue2), then, in the send to port option you should write "port", so it selects the center port based on the destination of the box.


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