
VikSin avatar image
VikSin asked VikSin commented

Clear flowitems using code

Hello, i have model that consists of different rack objects (Warehouse model) and i am creating user command for deleting all flowitems in the warehouse.
I don't want to use model reset, because on model reset there are some triggers which i don't want to run.

Is there some FlexSim command or way how to achieve it ?

Thank you in advance :)

FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered VikSin commented

treenode.subnodes.clear() - a method to destroy subnodes of a container node. Unfortunately you have to call it on every involved rack object. Perhaps you do it with forobjecttreeunder - a command.

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