
Luis Fernando avatar image
Luis Fernando asked Jeanette F answered

How does the Priority of a processor works?

Hi FlexSim team,

How does the "Priority" works in a processor?


I am trying to prioritize the processors but I cannot find how it works.

How can I do that the operator prioritize when there are more than 2 processors in a model.

Prueba A B C.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Luis Fernando,

If you were to read in our manual you would find the following under the processor priority

"This value sets the priority of the task sequence that will be sent to the operator. Operators generally sort task sequences so that sequences with higher priorities will be performed first. Task sequences with the same priority will be performed in the order that they were received."

You can find more information when learning about preemption and priority.

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