
mohamedwahab10 avatar image
mohamedwahab10 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

how to split two items from a conveyor into 2 conveyors by percentage?

Hello, I have one source that generates an item and then it passes through a Processor then a conveyor at this conveyor the item should be split by a 50% into two types and then transported into 2 conveyors and after each there is a processor can you help me?


FlexSim 23.2.0
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Add a descision point or photoeye and you can assign a label (e.g. typically Type).

A value can be a statistical value by duniform(1,2) or a ratio by

You can then send upon this label value any item to a different exit transfer node or a different decision point at a conveyor branch.

This is a function of a trigger like on Arrival by Send Item By Case.

Please read in manual Creating Conveyor Logic.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Student tip: At the first processors position along the conveyor add a decision point and use that to either move a contained object from its container (packing in a combiner or at creation) to the processor, or create a copy an move it into the processor. If the processor is busy then stop the item and wait until it's empty (eg. using a process flow).

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

I think you go better with a queue between two conveyor segments. In this queue you can create a copy of your item and let them both resume on 2nd segment. You can probably hide the queue shape.
Instead of a queue you can use a separator object to split your item. Process time can you set to zero.Conveyor_split_by_separator.fsm

Edit by trigger code: create item copy and move it by Entry Transfer into Conveyor


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