
allison-cg avatar image
allison-cg asked Jason Lightfoot commented

how to create an arrival time table to combine boxes and pallets

Greetings, my dears, can you help me with a question? I have a problem, how can I create a time table if I have an Excel with time and date and quantity where a number of pallets and a number of boxes for each pallet will arrive according to the time can someone help me please? :)

FlexSim 23.2.1
combinertablestime tablepalletsboxes
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Use the source arrival table for each pallet and use a label field to say how many boxes to create on it - which you can do in a trigger on Creation. Format the excel to match the source's table and copy/paste the data or set up an excel import.

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