Can someone help me to write a logic for the following scenario:
I created a model for one of the machining processes with 3 processors,1 combiner, 1 separator, and a Task executor and I am using 6 fixtures for the whole process.
Each processor can hold only 2 fixtures. One should be in the processor and the other one should be waiting in the queue.
The combiner will send the raw material and the separator will receive the Finished good material from all the 3 processors. after the material is processed, the Task executor will be the transporter between the processor and the separator and combiner
Request: I do not want both the combiner and separator to work at the same time. I used close and open ports logic but once the raw material enters the combiner, the separator also accepts the finished good from the processor. Can anyone help me write a logic for "Combiner should not allow until the separator finishes the process and vice versa?
Thank you.