
Aksel avatar image
Aksel asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to use Transporter and Ship for new task after given time

Hello, FlexSim community.

I have a couple of problems that I am facing.

The first one, is that for every 5000 seconds, I want the Transporter to stop what it's currently doing, and move 30 items from the queues Red, Green and Blue to the Queue AllColors. I would prefer if this would happen with an even distribution of colors. Please see the image below.


The second problem that I don't know how to solve, is that I want the Ship to arrive at the Robot at 5000 seconds, so that the Robot can load the Ship. Then when the Ship is done loading, I want it to travel to the queue Ending. Please see the image below.


I am unable to find a solution for any of these problems, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Production and storage.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.16
process flowtransporterrobotbatchingship
image.png (147.2 KiB)
ship.png (235.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Lars Jacobsen avatar image
1 Like"
Lars Jacobsen answered Lars Jacobsen commented

Create a token after 5000 seconds in processflow, wait for the current task to be completed and then you can move your items - Example attached.

You can Run Sub Flow to pickup several items (example Nproduction-and-storage_1.fsmOT attached)

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