
David.Y avatar image
David.Y asked Jason Lightfoot commented

how to make Conveyor GO and STOP , and Docking station?



There are difficulties with GO and Stop processes.

Could I possibly get some help?

Is there a solution to the three difficulties below?

1. When the item has completely passed Accel B (PE7), I want to send it to Process at ACCEL D point.

(Items must continue to flow from ACCEL point D.)

2. I would like to implement that the first item is waiting at the Main Drive location, and when the next item arrives, it docks and then moves at the same conveyor speed.

3. At the Main Drive point, the previous and next items must be docked before proceeding.


FlexSim 23.0.12
using conveyorsconveyor go and stopdocking stant
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @David.Y,


1)Items wait at Accel D until the item ahead has passed Accel B.

You can create a restricted area that starts at Accel D and ends at Accel B. You will find this in the triggers for the Decision points or photo eyes


I do not understand 2 and 3. Can you provide further explanation?

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