
Lion avatar image
Lion asked Lion commented

How to make the car leave in the right direction in time?

How to make the car leave in the right direction in time?
step 1
Truck in the left hand = First (Green time 10 sec)

= Truck are runing out between 10 sec then stop and wait (red 20 sec)
Truck in the South wait (Red time 15 sec)

step 2

Truck in the South = Seccond (Green time 5 sec)

= Truck are runing out between 10 sec then stop and wait (red 20 sec)
Truck in the Left wait (Red time 20 sec)


This is my file


FlexSim 18.0.10
network nodestraffic controlnodes
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Lion commented

Your current approach could be made to work, but I would instead suggest a simpler solution.

You can represent the different "modes" of the intersection as a Process Flow variable. Each truck needs this variable to have a specific value in order to be allowed to continue (their "traffic light" is green, so to speak).

You can use a Wait for Event activity to hold the tokens until the variable changes to the needed value for that token (the value would exist as a label on the token).


A separate token can then loop through a series of activities and set the variable values with different delays inbetween.


capture2.png (10.5 KiB)
capture1.png (46.4 KiB)
· 7
5 |100000

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