
Rafael de Assis avatar image
Rafael de Assis asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to configure de parameter of Experimenter?

Hello Everyone!

I'm trying to configure the parameters for to use in Experimenter.

I Don't know where I am going wrong.

I left in attached a pdf file with my steps. someone could help me in show me where i am going wrong?

One of my goal is configure de parameters for to show the max content in queue "buffer de saída" of attached model.


Modelo situação atual com nomes.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.5
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5 |100000

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Hi @Rafael de Assis, was Matheus Coelho's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Matheus Coelho avatar image
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Matheus Coelho answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Hi, Rafael. You did everything correct until the slide 6. After that, you dont need to configure anything at Optimizer run. You just have to create other scenarios at the page scenarios by clicking at the plus bottom and change the value of each parameter.1701111411761.png

After that, you can go at Experimenter Run Page, Reset and Run.

1701111411761.png (34.6 KiB)
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Matheus Coelho avatar image Matheus Coelho commented ·
Another important thing is to set a performance measure for you to see the results after simulation.
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Rafael de Assis avatar image Rafael de Assis commented ·

Hello Marcos!

unffortunelly it does'nt work.

I have a doubt: I built 3 model with structure diferents (1 with fork-lift, 1 with AGV deck lift and another with tugger AGV), so, I have 3 different files. And it is the performance of these three scenarios that I want to compare.

In my head, when I try play to exprimenter with max content, I could have a max number of flowitems inside the set time. I am right, or I must to build another scenario for to work?

I am trying set the lead time of flowitem (label: Type 1, gray box). I dont have succesfull too.

Modelo situação atual com nomes.fsm

Modelo situação AGV deck lift com nomes.fsm

AGV Rebocador com nomes.fsm

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Matheus Coelho avatar image Matheus Coelho commented ·

You can compare those model from their performance measure, but you have to define what you want to measure. If its the montant of flowitems in the model, you have to create a performance measure about it. You could measure the ouputs items of "Buffer de saída", for exemple.


Anotther consideration:

You are using the activity load at processFlow to move object to Buffer de Saída. So, it doesnt respect the max content of 3D object. You have to put a condition, to load just if its possible. If you play the 3D model, you can see a lot of boxes at this object


"I am trying set the lead time of flowitem (label: Type 1, gray box). I dont have succesfull too." You mean about the globalTable1 or 2? For the gt1, at appears works just fine, but for the gt2, you have to use other sintaxe to read strings (statistical distribution). You have to use, globaltable.executestring(row,col), instead the sintax globaltable[row][col].

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Rafael de Assis avatar image Rafael de Assis commented ·

Hello Mateus!

could you help me in 2 another question?

Modelo situação atual com nomes.fsm

first: Why doesn't my model have variations in my variables? in attached I set warmup and the end time of simulation. My times of production are estatistic distribuitions (build in expertfit). I hoped variations if I compare 2 or more simulatiosn round.

Everytime when I check dashboards my results in 4 months of simulations are the same.

second: coul you help me to repair this error:


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Rafael de Assis commented ·
Are you using the experimenter to run different replicaitons? If you want to run manually then use the experimenter to change the random numbers to match those of the target replication number (probably defaults to replication 1).

What don't you understand about the exception message? It's telling you that whatever you've entered for the setup time of Pintura has a value of 22 which is probably outside of the table dimensions.

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Rafael de Assis avatar image Rafael de Assis Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Hello, Lightfoot

My 3 models are differents about the transport from the queue "buffer de saída".

only my first model "Modelo situação atual com nomes" is with error. for me is a little bit strange because, this error appears only 1x. and are produced a lot of itens with label 22.

Do you know why if I run the simulation more than once, the results are the same? I found it strange because the setup and painting times in processor are distributions and not a solid number.


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