
tall_pauhl avatar image
tall_pauhl asked Kavika F answered

Set trigger for move object based on count items and by time

Hey there, thanks for any responses in advance!

I´ve got a representation of a cafeteria, in which people get served from 11:00 until 13:00. If my plan is that probably 300 meals/ items will be sold, I´d like to produce 200 of them form 7:00 to 11:00 o`clock and the ofter 100 in batches of 25 depending, if they are needed. It´s basically managing minimum waste.

Sending out the first fe 200 isn`t a problem, but I´ve got no clue how to set a trigger for the dynamically produced items. For those to be prodused it basically only need a move option form the warehouse (where the 100 items pre prepared are stored) to the input queue of the processor.

I´d be happy for any advice.

Al the best



FlexSim 23.2.2
move an object
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

@tall_pauhl, if you have a place where you're storing the 200 meals and distributing them, you can have an Event-Triggered Source that spawns a token in Process Flow. That token can then run through some logic you setup to handle the movement of 25 meals from storage to that distribution area.


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