
Tom avatar image
Tom asked Tom answered

Problem in Custom Code using SQL which uses label on token in WHERE clause


I'm trying to get slot wise item/SKU count using Custom Code in Process Flow.

I've created and tried 3 patterns, "Get SlotWiseItemCount" 1 to 3 but all 3 has issues.

There are diffrence in location of "WHERE" clause but all 3 Custom Code has practically the same SQL but all results are different and incorrect.

Since SQL is having WHERE condition, LocationCD = token.LocationCD, only single row should come but as you could find in attached model, it wont.

Please take a look into Custom Code "Get SlotWiseItemCount" 1 to 3.

Checking will be easier if you use Global Table "QueryDump".

Kindly let me know whether I have done something wrong.

Thanks for the support.

FlexSim 23.0.8
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You can get your table at any time directly from the storage system:

  1. Storage.system.querySlots("SELECT  slot.slotItems.length, slot.address").as(Array).as(Table).cloneTo("QueryDump")
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Tom avatar image
Tom answered

@Jason Lightfoot
Thanks, now its working.
So what I was missing was appropriate symbol.

Thanks for the support

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

If you want to get the content of a slot address, why do you try to do it so complicated.

  1. Variant slotitems = Storage.system.queryItems("WHERE item.slot.address = $1",0,token.LocationCD);
  2. token.labels.assert("inSlot",slotitems.length); 
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