
Sujit avatar image
Sujit asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Robot is not processing on turn table as per given time

In attached sample file,

Pallet arrives on Turntable 1 then Robot process on it for 20 seconds after that Turntable should rotate for 180 degrees. Then Robot will work on the same part for 10 seconds. after completion of this work, part will move to next conveyor.

Robot should work as per availability for turntable 1&2.

Turn Table_Robot.fsm

Thank you in advance

FlexSim 24.0.1
time table
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Dvide turntable conveyor in the middle. Place a queue object between them. Let enter item this queue. Close output of queue. After process1 rotate queue by changing the rotation value of the object.

To let a robot do some motions, you add a process where you let move a single item between two or more queues, where you need some action. You let the robot transport this item.

If you you need a rotation over a time interval you can try it with an animation or by kinematics

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