
mm_y_2406 avatar image
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mm_y_2406 asked Jeanette F commented

How to search if a specific label of a specific label of a token exist?

I want to check if my label of label of the token = token.Pallet.Destination exist using objectexists(token.labels["labelName"]) but it doesnt work. What should I use instead?

FlexSim 23.1.0
check if exist
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

When checking for the labels you either do it in two steps: Check if "Pallet" exists, then check if "FinalDestination" exists.

  1. objectexits(data.token.labels["Pallet"]) && objectexits(data.token.Pallet.labels["FinalDestination"])
  1. data.token.Pallet? && data.token.Pallet.FinalDestination?

Or you chain multiple checks together, but this only works with class properties, as described here, so the expression becomes slightly more convoluted.

  1. objectexists(data.token.labels["Pallet"]?.value?.labels["FinalDestination"]?.value)
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