
Ryusuke T avatar image
Ryusuke T asked Ryusuke T commented

About the concept of AGV route search


Please see the image below.


AGVs travel on AGV routes.

It will take the red route on it way there, but it will take the green route on it way back.

The total distance traveled is the same. However, it is strange that the outbound and return trips are different. I tried disconnecting the AGV path and reconnecting it, but the result was the same. Are there any rules for this exploration route?

By the way, route cost is not set.

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 23.0.11
agv route
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Ryusuke T, from what you describe a route is seached clockwise or in counter clockwise order. I would say it is done in counter clockwise or mathematical positve rotation.
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Ryusuke T avatar image Ryusuke T Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Joerg Vogel ,

Thank you for answering.

I reconnected the AGV path last time, but the result did not change.

However, if you place the control point elsewhere and then back to the same location, both routes will now follow the red route.

Therefore, it is not necessarily clockwise.

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Ryusuke T avatar image Ryusuke T Ryusuke T commented ·


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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Ryusuke T commented

Hey @Ryusuke T, the AGV Network normally uses dijkstra's algorithm to determine the best route to travel. The documentation (in the link) links to a Wikipedia article about the algorithm that may help explain the behavior you are seeing.

On that same page in the documentation, there is a section called "Debugging Route Costs", and you can follow the steps in there to see how various paths are determined between a control point and other control points and path transfers.

I'm guessing how things are ranked in the tree determines the order of different points when they are plugged into dijkstra's algorithm. How control points are ranked in the model tree, or how control points, paths, or pathPoints are ranked in the AGVNetwork's tree are probably affecting the order of those things when they are used to determine the shortest path between points on the network. And that is why you are seeing different results when you move a control point around - it might be affecting the order/rank of things in the tree.

For the red path in your screenshot, that was probably just the first path that was found to be the shortest distance between the control points. While there are other paths that have the same distance, their distances were calculated after the red path. Since they are not any shorter than the red path, they are ignored.

And when the green path in your screenshot was determined, that path was the first path calculated to be the shortest path. While the red path is the same distance as the green path, because the red path was calculated after the green path, and its distance is not any shorter than the green path, it is ignored.

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Ryusuke T avatar image Ryusuke T commented ·

Hi, @Logan Gold ,

Sorry for the late reply.

Thank you for your detailed explanation.

I was able to understand.

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