
KHAIRUL MUAZ avatar image
KHAIRUL MUAZ asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to create a schedule for machine to insert planned time.

HI, i am trying to create a plan for the program run by a machine. In my model the items are queued by their respective program and batched at the queue. Is there any way for me to create a plan such as on 1/4/2024 at 2pm will run Program 42 then at another specified time it will run another program. So, in the model the 4 machine which is systherm, schmetz1, schmetz2 and schmetz3 will need to have this table to insert the planned program that will be run in the machine.SV3_01.04.2024.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
planned machine run
sv3-01042024.fsm (115.7 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·


We just want you to be aware that your FlexSim version is past its End-of-Life date and is no longer eligible for paid technical support. For more information, please see the article "Lifecycle and End-of-Life".

Community members here may still be able to offer advice, but please be aware that many features have been added and bugs fixed in the years since your software version was released. You may find that an offered solution that works in more recent versions of the software is not compatible with your old version, or that a posted sample must be opened in a recent version.

Contact your local FlexSim distributor for information on upgrading or getting a trial license.

Good luck!

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered KHAIRUL MUAZ commented

There is a datetime source activity in process flow. A processor can read a process time or an output port value from labels. You can set such values for labels or parameters from a process flow activity.

All you have to decide, if an update of process parameters should be applied to already entered items or only to new entering items. Maybe you need to synchronize entering items and updating process parameters, then it is a good practice to read those values from an entering item directly.

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KHAIRUL MUAZ avatar image KHAIRUL MUAZ commented ·

My flowitem carries the information on which process they will undergo, so in this case the items have all been batched on their specific queue before going into the processor, will the datetime source create new items or will it allow the item that have been batched with the same program number specified in the date time source. My aim is to make like a schedule so that the I can insert a specific slot at specific time and only that program will run at that specific time all the processor process time are controlled by value by case, so each program have different time based on the items label.

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