
Amy avatar image
Amy asked Jeanette F commented

Priority based on transfer count

When assigning staff to patients, I want the patient to be assigned to those with fewer transfer counts among the staff working in the same shift. I think changing the priority might help, but I'm not sure how to reflect this. I would really appreciate your help.


FlexSim 21.2.4
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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ commented ·

Hey @Amy, what do you mean by "fewer transfer counts" with regards to the staff?

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Amy avatar image Amy Kavika F ♦ commented ·

@Kavika F , I mean when assigning patients to staff, I want to assign the patients to the staff member with the lowest number of previous transfers.

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Amy , was Kavika F's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Amy, thank you for clarifying that for me. If you're keeping track of Staff Transfers through a label, then you could have the Staff Resource Sort the available staff by that label.


You could create a field on the "Staff" Global List called "NumTransfers" that looks at a label on the Staff.


On every Staff, you can add a label called "NumTransfers" that will keep track of each Staff's number of transfers.


And then anywhere in the Process Flow logic where a Staff gets transferred, you increment their NumTransfers label.

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Amy avatar image Amy commented ·

@Kavika F Thank you for your answer.
I don't
keeping track of Staff Transfers through a label.. Is there another way?

I'm attaching my flexsim file.


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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ Amy commented ·
@Amy, I can't think of another way to do this. Staff don't inherently keep track of their own transfers -- you would have to set that up for them (i.e. with a label, a Global Table, a list, etc.)
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