
mni_pei avatar image
mni_pei asked Jeanette F commented

I want that the AGV can turn at the intersection when a deadlock occurs.

Dear FlexSim Community,


As you can see, I am trying to use this layout to perform material transportation tasks.

My idea is that if one of the AGVs causes a deadlock at an intersection, first determine which intersection it is at, and then determine which AGV it is. After determining which AGV it is, move it away first, stop for 5 seconds, and then let the AGV return to its original position.

The traffic avoidance logic at the intersection is as follows:


I want the AGV to return to where it was originally expected to go after turning, but the token generated by my newly created Event-Triggered Source (On deadlock) is different from the original token, so I don’t know how to make the AGV execute the original itinerary.

If I don't solve this problem, there will always be a deadlock situation.

Can anyone help figure out the error?


FlexSim 23.0.15
agv deadlocktransportationintersections
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You can use only one path system at a time.
An AGV System can detect failed allocation of a control point. Then you can redirect a vehicle to a different destination for example a control point or connected object to detour this vehicle.

A network node system relies on another tool to detect a deadlock. It is the agent system. Once a collision is detected you can detour your still movable vehicle to a different destination like a network node or connected object.

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