
juraj avatar image
juraj asked Jeanette F commented

Minimize stytime

Hi, i wanna ask how to minimize stay time in processors my process time should be 8.4 sec but the average staytime is over 11. I have no idea how to reduce it to 8.4sucasny_stav_final_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
proces flowstaytime
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Juraj, all your processors have a process time of 8.4 seconds; however, downstream there is a conveyor that is getting backed up.


This item backup is causing processors to wait to release boxes to the next machine, causing an increase in staytime. So, you should either (1) put more operators unloading, (2) decrease operator load and unload times, or (3) make the conveyor longer.

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