
Pablo C4 avatar image
Pablo C4 asked Pablo C4 commented

Astar unrecoverable deadlock exception


I have a model that's a modified version of the Kiva model, in which I'm trying to handle the deadlocks in a simple way (by recalculating routes on block). The problem is that sometimes I get the A* unrecoverable deadlock exception that stops the model, but if I press run again, the model can handle and fix the deadlock. Is there a way to prevent the model from stopping in these cases or automate the "press run again"?

Thanks in advance for any help.



FlexSim 23.0.15
astarkiva systemdeadlocks
· 2
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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Pablo C4, can you send us a model with the issues you are seeing? It would help to see the logic you are using to hand the deadlocks.

I believe you can use an Event-Triggered Source in Process Flow (with the On A Star Block event) to help make sure the unrecoverable deadlock exception doesn't occur, but we should be able to give you a better answer once we can look at the model.

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Pablo C4 avatar image Pablo C4 commented ·

Hello @Logan Gold, I'm afraid I can't share the model. We continued developing the rest of the model and put this problem aside because it occurred very rarely, and actually, we haven't caught this exception in a while now.

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