
Ehab Alazabi avatar image
Ehab Alazabi asked Felix Möhlmann answered

FlexSim staytime

In simple terms, what is the Staytime in FlexSim?
i am running a model that uses operators to transfer objects from racks to drop station, what is the description of staytime in this situation?

FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

In general, staytime is the time an item spends inside another object, so the time between entering that object and exiting it. Fixed resources and task executers keep statistics about the minimum, maximum and average staytime of objects inside of them.

In the dashboard library there are chart templates that collect staytime information across one or multiple objects. ("Composite Staytime" measures the item between entry in an object A and the exit of a different object B)

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